Why Young Parents Should Have a Last Will and Testament

This is the image of a young couple who are lying on the bed with their baby in between them. For safety reasons, the parents are awake looking at their baby while their baby is sleeping since it is not safe to let your baby sleep with you if you are all asleep.

Being a young parent can be a joyful and rewarding experience, but it also comes with many responsibilities, including the need to plan for the future. One important aspect of planning for the future is creating a last will and testament. Although it may seem like something that only older individuals need to worry about, a last will and testament is actually an essential document for anyone who has children, regardless of their age. Here are a few reasons why young parents should have a last will and testament.

  1. Protecting Your Children’s Future

One of the primary reasons to create a last will and testament is to ensure that your children are protected in the event of your untimely death. If you do not have a will, your assets will be distributed according to the laws of your state, which may not align with your wishes. Furthermore, even though children may be legally entitled to receive an inheritance at age 18, it often is a wise decision to impose lengthier restrictions on management assets until a child is older and financially more mature. Additionally, if you do not name a guardian for your children in your will, the court will appoint someone without knowing your preferences or the needs of your children. By creating a will, you can name a guardian and ensure that your assets are distributed in accordance with your wishes.

  1. Ensuring Financial Stability

A last will and testament can also help to ensure the financial stability of your children in the event of your death. If you do not have a will, your assets may be tied up in probate court for months or even years, which can cause significant financial hardship for your family. By creating a will, you can streamline the probate process and ensure that your children’s financial needs are met.

  1. Avoiding Family Disputes

Without a clear and legally binding will, your family may be left to sort out your affairs, which can lead to disagreements and disputes. By creating a will, you can ensure that your wishes are clearly communicated and legally enforceable, which can help to avoid family conflicts and ensure that your children are provided for as you intended.

  1. Planning for Special Circumstances

If you have a child with special needs or require a specific type of care, a last will and testament, possibly combined with a special needs trust, can be particularly important. This can help to ensure that your child is cared for properly and that their needs are met, even after your death.

In conclusion, a last will and testament is an essential document for anyone with children, regardless of their age. By creating a will, young parents can protect their children’s future, ensure their financial stability, avoid family disputes, and plan for special circumstances. If you are a young parent and do not yet have a will, now is the time to create one. Speak with one of our attorneys to learn more about the benefits of a last will and testament and how it can help to protect your family’s future.